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Week 10 Forum

When looking back at the best photo I've taken the entire term I hate to go back so early into learning the camera, but week three's photo of the little kid at Greekfest, It was more luck and timing instead of skill but it turned out as my best.

If you pretended it was a very carefully skilled photoshoot the reasons it looks nice it the framing of the in focus girl behind two people, the girl's face is clearly in the shot but she's looking up not at the camera. Also, something I've maid plenty of other mistakes by NOT having the shutter quick enough and getting motion blur, which I avoid in this photo.

By far the greatest thing I've learned is how to set up the camera before I start shooting. Im not perfect by any means, but I definitely can look at a situation, take a test shot, and fix the camera at least closely to where it should be so the first shots don't turn out miserable. On example of this would be when you see my photo story post one of the best shots is the first photo I took verses during football and some other shots I went through dozens of photos before one turned out.

Topic 2

1. Understander where to position and what to adjust for taking good photos.

2. How to see where a photo is going to happen before It does.

3. How to edit photos in post to make whatever taken the best image within my ability.

1. Whilst not every photo is a nice angle, or every setting is perfectly set, this is by far my largest improvement. I usually get at least a couple unique angles that turn out well in a photoshoot, and I'm able to decided accurate shutter, ISO, etc. fairly quickly in normal settings, theres still been plenty of more odd situations where it takes a multitude of test shots.

2. While I wouldn't say I can every come close to knowing a situation as well as any even semi-professional there's certainly improvement. The best example of this is between the two times I shot football (or if you looked at all the hundreds of unused shots). From personal experience and watching what other photographers at the game I was better able to set myself up before plays to get better shots.

3. I don't believe I've been able to edit to the "best of my ability". Example, the first things Is crop the photo, and often, I still don't crop the image to the best it could be, with feedback I can fix it, but I still didn't develop the eye for it. The next steps I go through, Contrast, Color, Tone, and Shadow I've gotten decent at deciding how much to let the computer "auto" the photo, when to leave it alone, or when it might need a manual tweak, I'm fairly proud of how these settings turn out in the final publishing.

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Davis Buresh​

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