Week 10 Photo Story
Matt Cowart check on the the recently boiled Wort (a pre-beer sugary liquid made from separating the grain) that is about to be pumped into a fermentation tank. Nov. 10th 2016. All photos taken at Conversion brewing in Lebanon, OR. Visit www.conversionbrewingcompany.com for more information.
Matt Cowart measures a mixture of both hop leaves (visable) and pellets (ground, like coffee) to use in his next brew to be started soon.
Drinking coffee Matt Cowart waits as a pump moves the wort into it's preliminary fermentation tank. Nov 10th 2016
Matt Cowart opens the valve to drain the tank he will use for secondary fermentation of soapy water used disinfect the interior. Nov 17th 2016
A server at Conversion brewery pours a Belgium from their wall of taps. Nov. 29th 2016.